
  • 說最近工作很忙嗎?要上班的日子確實挺忙碌的,經常要忙到下午三、四點才有空吃飯,然後再一直忙到九點才下班。聽起來好像好辛苦是吧?可是呢,其實呢,我是返十二點鐘的嘻嘻~而且每一晚都從一點多睡到十一點才起床準備上班,也就不覺辛苦啦。

  • 打算下個禮拜三Ladies Day跑去看X-Men: First Class。難得日本這趟這麼快就上畫(居然比127 Hours還快!!囧)(可憐我的學生問我最近看了甚麼好電影,我都向他們推薦看來要明年才有得看的Limitless………),我當然要抓緊機會看大螢幕的McAvoy啦。

  • 講開電影,最近有好多學生都對我說Pirates of the Caribbean 4好好看。可惜我對此電影的認識是近乎零,最多都是會唱兩嘴The Lonely Island的Jack Sparrow罷了,害我每次跟學生聊起這部戲的時候就會聽到Michael Bolton在我腦內OS:"This whole town's a pussy, just waiting to get fucked!"

  • 好想好想好想好想買iPad 2!!!!尤其在看了iOS 5的推介短片後,我那條先前夾生抑壓住的欲Pad筋又再一次彈了起來。But again, the question of want vs need is still the biggest concern... Do I need it? Somewhat, not really. Do I want it? ABSOLUTELY. FML. 幸好現在就只剩這一個問題,其他的都早就決定好:白色/32GB/Wi-Fi model。現在唯有待下週三出開去難波再到心齋橋摸摸實機再作決定,但是唉唷呢,要是看了更想要又怎辦好呢?!理智呀理智,請速回到我身邊來!!

  • 近排中國胃發作,頻頻在家自己做飯,可是呢,日本的中國食材用得著這麼貴嗎?!比方說,明明印象中西米在加拿大才不過個零銀錢,那照道理比加拿大更鄰近中國的日本應該會更便宜才是呀?怎麼一包450g的西米會賣到700円之高價呢??係700円,係700円喎!我不過想食一碗椰奶芋頭西米露唧,點解要咁樣對我?嗚嗚嗚~~

  • 結果,我還是孤寒那700円,煮了紅豆沙吃了算數。唉。


6 意見:

安德烈 | June 11, 2011 at 8:12 AM


"Pirates of the Caribbean 4"不看也罷,在這裡被人彈到飛起,日人反而狂讚~

Irisssy | June 11, 2011 at 11:16 PM

不過香港真係好快,上次響香港睇Iron Man2好似仲快過美國一日添!


狗尾草 | June 12, 2011 at 1:17 AM

有預感你去看了實機以後,會發現很多need it 的理由。 然後就會很“理智”的把他帶回家。XDDDDDD。

Jeff | June 12, 2011 at 7:00 AM

i got ipad 2, at first i just kinda got it for fun, thinking i wont "need" it, but after using it, is with me allll the time, when i wake up is there, when i sleep, its there, just so convenience, way fasting then turning on laptop, and 10 hrs of battery is not a lie. GET IT, lol. I even facetime my parents, better than skype cus u can move around, but i think 3g might be a better choice, i only have wifi, but if u have 3g on ipad, u dont need 3g for phone since the ipad screen is so much bigger. omg... i sound like an Apple fan now...

Irisssy | June 12, 2011 at 2:49 PM


Which one did you get? I'm thinking of cheaping out and get the 16gb instead... but I'm also paranoid about not enough storage space!! dim suen!!

And yeah, you sound like an Apple scammer XDDD kinda like the "It's true! I joined Jenny Craig and I lost 10kg in 2 days! JOIN IT!" scam hahahaha!!!

Jeff | June 14, 2011 at 11:55 PM

LOL, i noe what u mean, but i kinda tried most of the tablets out there, playbook, motorola one, asus, samsung, nothing seems to compare to apple os, and the quality of material. I have the cheapest one lol, 16 with wifi, i think 16 is good enough, cus sadly, technology like this wont last longer than 1 year -_-, so didnt want to spend so much, i dont have music in it nor video, i just stream all of them. Its great lol, make sure to get the cover tho, its useful and cleans the screen from dust