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  • 當大家見到這封信的時候,我已經在九龍的某一個角落翹起二郎腿蹲在家中。嗚嗚嗚~怪就怪我疏忽了,在過去四個月突然吹波仔般胖得要躲起來,就連飲茶都不去,就一直待在家中吃風。
  • 別說我誇張,我是真的胖到我媽看到我第一眼就對我說:「哇,乜你肥左咁多既?!」末了,我老姊還再踩一腳,挖低我的小外套跟我媽說:「你睇下佢個膊頭幾圓!」然後今天我兩個姨姨到訪也問我有無重夠十磅,囧。
  • !@#$%,我想既咩?!我這趟回港我是打死都不出門的了,待我十二月中回加休養的時候努力減磅三月回來再見人罷。唉。只怪小妹的親戚們都有一張大嘴巴,我可不願成為別人茶餘飯後的話題啊啊啊!!就像我也曾經在表妹背後說她的男朋友怎麼長得這麼騎呢一樣。風水,的確是會輪流轉的。
  • Anyway,就這樣,其實我是想報告我已離開大阪而已。只不過最近打擊太大才不慎離題,嗚。
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Just incase I feel like buying the G3 again:

  1. You don't need another camera.
  2. You have a nice camera already.
  3. You don't even use your LX5 that often.
  4. Changing lenses is such a pain in the ass.
  5. Dust will go into the sensor.
  6. That means you'll have to carry around a cleaner as well.
  7. That sucks.
  8. It's not convenient to carry around, even in your bag.
  9. Because you're lazy.
  10. It's a pain to charge batteries and it runs low quickly.
  11. They don't have red in Japan or HKG!!
  12. White looks cheap and brown looks pretty but not bold enough for you.
  13. The 20mm F1.7 pancake lens is too expensive!!
  14. With that money you can buy another LX5 (though you don't need to).
  15. You already bought an expensive toy this year.
  16. With that 60000yen, you can buy a new hand bag.
  17. You want to be a girl, not an otaku.
  18. You need more experience and practice before moving onto the road of photography otaku.
  19. You don't go out often enough to be taking pictures with a better camera.
  20. You would rather get a new cell phone.
  21. Or, you would rather to buy a new coat, hand bag, AND a new watch.
  22. See, you can buy so many new things with the cost of that one set of camera!!
  23. Plus, you won't be working soon after you go back to HKG, so you would need money.
  24. Ok, that's about it.
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High Line Park @ Gramercy New York.
This is to mentally compensate for last year's Lawson cake.
I finished it in one night. By myself.



嘛,至於生日禮物呢,原先是想賞自己一部Lumix G3的說(棕色實機好漂亮!),但鑒於前陣子才入手小Yuya,要我在半年之內再砸六萬塊買玩具我這庶民是無論如何都不捨得的了………而且很快又要去東京,去東京→四日三夜→花錢乘以四→十月上班不夠一百個鐘→低收入→還要預留五十個還給老媽→I don't even want to think about it……