Welcome to my geek side.

與朋友無意中聊到Google已經成了好多人的生活的一大部分,細數之下才發現,丫原來我都有在用這麼多Google products,就連我自己都嚇了一跳:
  1. Gmail
  2. Chrome
  3. Reader
  4. Blogger
  5. Picasa
  6. Calendar
  7. Documents
  8. Translate
  9. Maps
  10. Analytics
  11. Scholar
  12. (and of course) Search!
講開Chrome,我真是太愛這顆彩球了!!我從Firefox轉用彩球至今已經有一年多,在這段期間我可是一次都沒想過重投狐狸仔懷抱,得罪聲講句,我甚至好難想像怎麼還會有人用IE來上網而且還覺得完全沒問題,明明彩球方便好多好多倍,快好多好多倍呀!而最得我本人歡心的是用了彩球就可以兩部電腦互sync bookmarks,不用每次都人手export/import,一切都變得統一完滿。

常聽到人說iPhone可以改變一個人的生活習慣,可就我自己而言,有了iPhone之後最大的分別頂多就是可以起床後可以很方便的查看天氣和匯率走勢(聽起來真神氣 XD),但講真要是有天沒了這兩樣習慣也不會對我造成甚麼影響,反而沒了Google的話………我想我的人生將會變得很不一樣!!我簡直不能想像自己走回頭用Hotmail來收發電郵或是用Firefox來上網囉,我已經被Google溺寵到無得返轉頭了……嗚~ 看來我現在就缺一個在Google工作的男朋友了,嘿嘿!XDDD 

6 意見:

spontaneouslyodd | September 9, 2010 at 12:01 AM


Irisssy | September 9, 2010 at 3:12 PM

係喎!!竟然忘記了Google Phone的存在!XDD
不過最近都聽到好多Android手機的優點,看來都是時候了,好嚮往佢地D free apps~

安德烈 | September 14, 2010 at 11:21 PM


Irisssy | September 15, 2010 at 6:23 AM


Anon | October 1, 2010 at 6:03 AM

Firefox can be very fast too. You just need to tweak it in about:config.

The only problem with Chrome is, there aren't a lot of extensions. I am sticking with FF for now since the extensions are very useful and awesome.

Irisssy | October 2, 2010 at 9:15 PM

Really? I never knew about that! XD No wonder so many people still stick to Firefox then.

Very true about the extensions and another thing is, Chrome's design is so minimal that having more extension icons seems to be knocking it off balance. :T