I screwed up -- 108% of my teenage life.

[X] 被罰留堂
[X] 上堂被收電話
[ ] 被人踢出校
[X] 被發現食香口膠 - It was when I was in kindergarten back in HK... Schools here don't care.
[ ] 比人捉出貓
Total: 3

[X] 遲到超過5次
[X] 冇做功課超過5次
[X] 遲交project 3次 - And it still happens...
[X] 因為想唔返而唔返學 - And it will continue to happen...
[ ] 笑得太大聲比人趕出課室
Total: 4

[X] 要媽/爸由學校接返屋企
[X] 上堂send message
[X] 上堂傳紙仔
[X] 喺課室將野飛尼飛去
[X] 笑老師
Total: 5 - OMG, I scored full marks in this one!!

[ ] 禁消防嗰個警報器 - I HATE it when people do that, especially during exam time.
[ ] 上電腦堂上Myspace , Facebook , Xanga等等既網站 - Hate it when I see people go on FB during lecture... it's not like we don't get internet after class or anything right?
[X] 喺返學時間影相
[X] 返學時間打電話比人
[X] 上堂聽歌 - Depends on which class.
Total: 3

[ ] 用野掟老師 - I don't wana get suspended, you know.
[X] 冇老師批准下離開課室
[ ] 唔跟校規規定既衣著 - They don't even care what we wear here as long as we wear "something".
[X] 小測唔合格 - It's physics. It's really not my fault.
[X] 上堂食野
Total: 3

[X] 學校打電話比家長
[ ] 因為行為表現差而冇得去學校既旅行
[X] 冇帶野返學
[X] 比人罰留堂但冇去
[X] 當老師冇留意時向佢舉中指
[X] 上堂大聲爆粗比老師聽到 - It's physics. I really wasn't swearing at the teacher.
Total: 5

[X] 冒簽 - My mom authorized it.
[X] 上堂訓教 - Depends on which class.
[X] 咀咒老師 - This won't stop until I graduate from school.
[X] 抄功課 - Used to.
Total: 4 - And I have scored full marks once again.

將x的數目乘4 : 27×4=108

Just what the heck did I do to score this high?? I shall convince myself that it's all Canadian school's fault. It must be.

4 意見:

Betty | March 16, 2009 at 8:20 PM

读书嗰时都无甘多full mark, 系米呢? 哈哈!!!

Anonymous | March 16, 2009 at 8:32 PM

[ ] 因為行為表現差而冇得去學校既旅行
[ ] 禁消防嗰個警報器
[ ] 被人踢出校

Irisssy | March 17, 2009 at 3:35 AM

小瓶子>> 又真係喎!! 哈哈!!!

Mr. Ma>> 估到你啦!

** 飛雪素素 ** | March 17, 2009 at 10:46 AM

Thx =) I did enjoy my day ar =)